Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Some of the golden principles of Vastu Shastra

Image result for square plot vastu pictures

1.  Shape of the plot should be either rectangular or square.

2. Ratio of length to width should be less than 2.

3. Doors facing south are not at all advisable.

4. House next to temple or grave-yard should be avoided.

5. All doors and windows facing east and north should be kept open in daytime whereas those facing south and    west should be kept closed when not in use.

Image result for square plot vastu pictures6. Try to avoid seller in your premises.

7. No one should sleep and seat under beam.

8. The head of the family or couple’s bedroom should be on southwest corner of the building.

9. While sleeping head should be kept in south or west direction.

10. One should use light colors for Bedroom walls, bed-sheets, and nightdress.

11. The seating arrangement in drawing room should be such that person seating faces either north or east only.

12. South, west or southwest directions are advisable for electronic instruments and apparatus.

13. Important cupboards should be kept in such a way that the person opening it should face south direction.

14. Mandir or puja room should be kept in northeast. One should seat facing east when praying, and, should use      silver utensils and wear silk dress.

15. Kitchen should be kept in southeast or in northwest only. Person should face east or north when cooking.

16. Everybody should face east or north while eating.

                         Image result for vastu picture for factory

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